Register for the Hill’s Global Symposium

Oct 25–26, 2024

Join us virtually for an insightful gathering of veterinary professionals! Uncover the secrets of gut-organ connection live from the comfort of your home or clinic.

  • Gut Microbiome Support

  • Solving Gut-Kidney Mysteries

  • Stress & the Gut-Brain Link

  • Secrets of Gut-Skin Synergy

Sign up now to secure your virtual seat:

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Agenda of Events

Day 1 (10-25-2024)

Welcome and Introduction9:00-9:10
AM: Understanding the Role of the Gut as a Central Organ for Overall Health
How the Gut Microbiome Affects Distal Organs
9:15-10:00Rob Knight, PhD
University of California San Diego (USA)
Social Cause10:00-10:10
Gut Reaction: The Future of Health is Here with the One Health Microbiome Resource10:15-11:00Curtis Huttenhower, PhD Harvard T.H.
Chan School of Public Health (USA)
Jennifer Radosevich, PhD
Hill’s Pet Nutrition Inc. (USA)
Gut Microbiome Update
Clinical Utility of Microbiome Diagnostics11:30-12:00Jenessa A. Winston DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM)
The Ohio State University (USA)
Managing Intestinal Dysbiosis in Dogs and Cats12:05-12:35Valerie J. Parker, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM & Nutrition)
The Ohio State University (USA)
The Power of Specialized Dietary Fiber to Manage Feline Constipation and Diarrhea12:40-13:10Laura Motsinger, PhD, MBA
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. (USA)
(40 min)
6 speakers
Gut–Kidney Axis Update
Gut-Kidney Axis: Therapeutic Approach to Balancing Waste Products15:05-15:35Jessica M. Quimby, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM)
The Ohio State University (USA)
The Role of Food Supplemented with Betaine and Prebiotics on Gut Microbiome Modulation and Progression of CKD in Cats15:40-16:10Jean A. Hall, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM)
Oregon State University (USA)
(20 min)
2 speakers + Leslie Hancock, DVM (S&T)

Day 2 (10-26-2024)

Good Morning Welcome9:00-9:10
Gut-Brain & Stress Update
The Gut-Brain Axis: How The Gut Can Shape Health and Stress-Related Behavior9:15-9:45Holly K. Arnold, MS, DVM, PhD
Oregon State University (USA)
Trust Their Gut: It’s One of the Keys to Managing Chronic Stress in Cats9:50-10:20Natalie L. Marks, DVM, CVJ, CCFP, FFCP-Elite
MarksDVMConsulting (USA)
Gut-Skin Update
Gut-Skin Axis: The Importance of Gut Health for Healthy Skin in Companion Animals10:55-11:25Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann, Med. Vet., MS, PhD, DACVP
University of Florida (USA)
Impacts of Nutrition on the Gut Skin Axis11:30-12:00Morgan A. Key, BS
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. (USA)
Pitfalls and Challenges of Skin Microbiome Dysbiosis12:05-12:35Alberto Martin Cordero, DVM, DLACVD
VETDERM reference dermatology clinic in Guadalajara (Mexico)
(40 min)
5 speakers
Future Tech in Veterinary Medicine
Augmentation, Not Replacement: The Use (and Misuse) of AI in Medical Imaging14:25-14:55Eric J. Fish, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Veterinary Consulting, LLC (USA)
The Connected Pet in 2031: External Future Forces Likely to Disrupt Pet Care15:00-15:30Stacey A. Bone (DVM)
Jennifer Mitchell
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. (USA)
Artificial Intelligence in the Veterinary Profession and Your Day-To-Day Work16:00-16:30Bash Halow, CVPM, LVT
Halow Consulting (USA)